
Why are you Bloated?

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digestive issues

Ep. 52 How to improve digestion even if your life is stressful

Ep 52: How to improve digestion even if your life is stressful

Do you have a stressful life and feel like your Gi issues are directly tied to your stress? If so, tune into this episode where Dr. Heather is interviewed by her colleagues Lindsay Mitchell and Cait Ross who discuss how the gut impacts the nervous system and the nervous system impacts the gut. It’s impossible […]

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Why Your Stomach Hurts After Eating: Unveiling the 5 Culprits Behind Digestive Discomfort

You know that pain you get in your stomach after a meal? It can put a damper on your day, your productivity, social life, and leave you wondering what went wrong. That was the case for gutTogether® client, Jane. She’s a high-performing businesswoman who used to dread going to work every day because of her

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3 Things My Gut Taught Me

3 Things My Gut Taught Me

For 20 years I struggled with my own digestive issues. I reached a point where I felt like I had tried everything. I thought that maybe I just wasn’t “trying hard enough”… or that I was not disciplined enough… but that was so far from the truth. The problem was that my lifestyle didn’t allow

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3 Mindset Shifts for your Gut Healing Journey

3 Mindset Shifts for your Gut Healing Journey

Canceling plans, missing out on memories, and thinking about food and my symptoms 90% of the time was my reality before I healed my gut.    Not to mention the mental space these thoughts took up. It made me feel like I didn’t have enough time or energy to do anything else in my life. 

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Heres Why You Are Still Bloated After Treating Your SIBO

Here’s Why You Are Still Bloated After Treating Your SIBO

One of the most common questions I receive is, “I treated my SIBO, but I am still bloated! How can this be?”… I sense the frustration and their mindset wavering towards doubting that they will ever relieve this symptom.    The reason(s) you are bloated could be complicated. It oftentimes will take some deep digging

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4 Reasons You Are Constipated And Simple Ways to Relieve it

4 Reasons You Are Constipated (And Simple Ways to Relieve it!)

I remember being in your shoes feeling like I was spinning my wheels and not getting anywhere with finding relief for my constipation.  I was following all the advice, like “drink more water” or “eat more fiber”. But nothing was changing. I questioned if I could ever find true relief, or if I was stuck

4 Reasons You Are Constipated (And Simple Ways to Relieve it!) Read More »