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Spices What Different Spices Do for the Body and the Gut

Spices: What Different Spices Do for the Body and the Gut

Do you know that spices can be an easy way to incorporate more gut loving ingredients to your meals?   When you think of spices, the first thing that comes to mind is probably their ability to make food taste better. This is certainly true—spices can transform bland dishes into culinary masterpieces. But as it […]

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3 Minerals to Improve Gut Health

3 Minerals to Improve Gut Health

Minerals are like the little spark plugs that keep your body doing what it does best ⚡️ And optimizing minerals is important for overall digestive health. They help your body perform such tasks as muscle contraction, nerve conduction, enzyme reactions and immune system support. Minerals also help with hormone production and digestion. If you’re not

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Ep. 26 Why you cannot ignore stress as a root cause of your digestive symptoms

Ep. 26: Why you cannot ignore stress as a root cause of your digestive symptoms

When experiencing digestive symptoms, how often do you recognize that stress could be the root cause? In this episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast, I talk about stress, the different types of stress, stress’s effects on our bodies and digestive systems, and how to manage our stress before it becomes overwhelming.   Topics Covered

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