
Why are you Bloated?

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Ep. 42 How to improve your food sensitivities without eliminating food

Are you struggling with food sensitivities but don’t want to eliminate your favorite foods?

I’ve got good news for you! In this episode of the Love Your Gut podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Brian Kaufman, an expert in digestive health and infectious disease, about how to improve your food sensitivities without having to cut out all the foods you love. 

Discover how you can achieve the outcome you desire – finding relief from food sensitivities – while still enjoying a wide variety of delicious meals. 

We dive into the fascinating world of food sensitivities, discussing practical strategies and tips to alleviate symptoms while still enjoying a diverse diet. If you’re tired of feeling restricted by your food sensitivities, this episode is a must-listen! 

Topics covered in this episode: 

  • Take a deep dive into the role of serum bovine immunoglobulin in promoting a healthy digestive system.
  • Learn the vital role of immunoglobulins in boosting your body’s defenses.
  • Uncover the hidden connection between serum bovine immunoglobulin and the improvement of leaky gut symptoms.
  • Grasp the complex connection between stress and the impact stress has on gut health.
  • Get to know how Immunolin effectively aids in managing and improving digestive health conditions.


  • 04:57 – How ImmunoLin could benefit you
  • 09:34 – The importance of good gut health
  • 10:42 – Why many individuals could benefit from taking Immunoglobulins
  • 15:27 – Understanding the Safety and Dosing of ImmunoLin- how much is right for you
  • 17:42 – Clinical Efficacy and Dosage for Specific Disease States- tailoring dose for you
  • 24:54 – Immunolin and its binding properties to “bad guys” like  h.pylori, c.diff, candida overgrowth, etc. 
  • 31:15 – Where to buy Immunoglobulin products
  • 32:59 – List of ImmunoLin containing products
  • 36:58 – How to gut impacts other organ systems in the body like skin and muscle recovery

If this episode has been helpful, hit me up on Instagram, and tell me about your experience!


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  • “Antibodies are literally like the bodyguards of your immune system, right? When bad stuff comes in, it’s their job to bind and get them out.”
  • “When you feel good, you can live your life so much more fully present, not distracted. With your GI symptoms, you can actually enjoy food again.”
  • “By binding, neutralizing and removing that bacteria and fungi, it allows that gut barrier to come back to homeostasis.”

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Dr. Heather Finley and Brian Kauffman

Brian Kaufman  00:02

We come in contact with inflammation is brought on by this bacteria. It degrades and breaks down bacteria, right? They’re allowing a free flow good, bad bacteria. And so people get on this hamster wheel, they bring inflammation. And they say,


Dr. Heather Finley  00:18

Hey, welcome to the love your gut podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Heather Finley, I know what you’re thinking, how am I supposed to love my gut when all it does is hold me back. I thought the same thing before I found my own relief from my own gut health issues. I dedicated my life to getting to the bottom of my own gut issues, so I can help women just like you transform theirs. Now I’m here to guide you through your own gut health journey. We do this through identifying your root causes and making sustainable and transformational changes. As a result, you can unleash your true potential. My goal is to empower you with the information and tools you need to love your guts. So it loves you back right here on this podcast. Welcome back to the next episode of the love your podcast. I’m so excited today to be joined by Brian Kaufman. He works at a amazing company, which I will let him tell you about. And he’s going to come and talk today about ImmunoLin, which is a product that has honestly changed a lot of lives of clients that we’ve worked with it has helped me on my own digestive journey. And for those of you that have listened to past episodes, I when I was dealing with mold issues last year, it really helped me during that process as well. So really, really excited to chat with Brian and Brian, welcome to the show.


Brian Kaufman  01:44

Thank you so much for having me on. And to everyone that’s out there right now. I’m so so amazing the opportunity to come on this platform and talk about really kind of who I am and what has shaped my medical and really my occupation over the over the last decade. And that’s serum bovine immunoglobulin, which is interrogating as Dr. Phil was talking about.


Dr. Heather Finley  02:08

Yeah, well, why don’t you just tell us like, tell us about your career. Tell us about your journey. We were chatting a bit about this before we pressed record, but it would be great to just kind of hear a background how, how has this affected your career and why are you doing what you’re doing now? And why did you become so passionate about saram bovine immunoglobulin?


Brian Kaufman  02:30

Sure, sure. So I’m Brian coffin. I am the vice president at Beloit health and biologics. My job is to work with our clinical science team and our sales reps to get out there and spread the word about this very, very unique antibody concentrated the goes to the underlying cause of dysbiosis. And it all started when I was in the army and all of my soldiers, all my patients, anything that happened to him, there was always this underlying common denominator of diarrhea or bloating, or abdominal pain, or it was something it was always kind of consistent, but I was just kind of brushed it off. And then fast forward after I got to the army, I worked as a GI nurse at the Medical College of Georgia. And again, I was I was unhappy with the job that I was doing. I felt like I was just following orders and following protocols and care plans that treated symptoms, but I wasn’t really helping any. And everyone was in this like constant stage of inflammation that led to diarrhea and bloating and flatulence and abdominal pain. And then all of a sudden, I had 13 patients that were on this experimental immunoglobulin. Now, as approved nurse, I called down to my attending, I was like, man, what sleazy drove to talk to you into this? Like, I don’t even know what this is, by google it like colostrum comes in, like what is this? And I came up got a little class from the attendees. And next thing, you know, I watched patients that I would look on the docket that day and go see what we can do, you know, but they all started getting better in front of me. And it was because this antibody was going to the underlying cause and removing the real problem, which is a specific antigen, bacterial mycotoxin, or fungal component that was setting off that inflammatory response. And what I realized is that all of my patients were on this hamster wheel of inflammation, right? And they were just running running around and we’re giving them everything in the world. And they would take two steps forward and then two steps back, but when we introduce this antibody, it was binding and removing that antigen, allowing the gut barrier to Finally Heal, right. And then they started living a much better life and it was this big aha moment of Should everyone has these in their career where they’re like, I want to be purposeful I want to help people. And this is the whole reason why I got into this, you know, and I finally felt that real satisfaction of the care plan that I was falling through was really helping people. That’s how I want to be a part of it. So I actually reached out to proline health and biologics at the time, they were called in telehealth. And I don’t know what jobs you have available. If whether it’s clinical research, or medical science liaison or you know, I’ll be internet. I just want to be involved in this. And that was in 2013. Not long after that, they moved me up to Hartford, Connecticut, helped proctor a pediatric IBS trial there and launch, interrogate, which is a five gram prescription medical food dose of that immunoglobulin concentrate. It went amazing, right, I worked with some amazing doctors at Yale and Yukon. And from there just kind of kept on that journey. And every day more people hear about interrogation and serum bovine immunoglobulin, and how it is really the missing piece to the gut health puzzle.


Dr. Heather Finley  06:11

I believe it I mean, and I’ve seen the same results with our clients. When we started implementing this, it was like, just everything changed. These people who have had chronic SIBO, chronic Candida, chronic bloating, you know, done all the SIBO treatments, they’ve done multiple rounds of antibiotics, you know, haven’t gotten to actually find relief. And then we add in this product. And it just helps. We actually even had a client the other day who she said it’s helping so much with her allergies, she stopped it for one day went outside was like sneezing uncontrollably. And she was like, where is that stuff? Like I have to get back on it and like digging through her closet trying to find it. She had just gotten back from a trip. And so it just helps us so many things. So for those listening that are like, What the heck are you guys talking about? Can you tell us? What is bovine immunoglobulin? Tell us a bit more about what it is and how it works in the gut. Kind of just on a on a very basic level for people to understand.


Brian Kaufman  07:18

Absolutely. So antibodies are literally like the body guards of your immune system. Right? When bad stuff comes in. It’s their job to bind and get them out. Well, unfortunately, it’s 2023. And, you know, our lifestyles don’t allow our acquired immune system to really continue to grow and be robust. So we come in contact with thing all the time that set off that inflammatory response. However, you can supplement with a hearty, dense, rich antibody that comes from a bovine source. Now from a cow, right now the reason why we use a cow’s, as we know 80 and 90% of our immune system is actually in our gut. Well, they actually have one of the best immune systems and for guns, so there have been developed immunity to things that we simply cannot. Now we started clinical trials with this back in the 90s human clinical trials in the early 2000s. And we saw such a huge benefit because that immunoglobulins specifically IgG, the most abundant antibody that was made, we all make, right to bind on to a lot of different bacteria and fungi and those pesky things that cause us to have diarrhea, bloating, and flatulence and things like that, right. And so they started using it on specific digestive disease problems finding and neutralizing that bacteria or fungi or mycotoxin. To remove them. It’s as simple as it gets. antibodies bind on to antigens. antigens are just a big fancy word for bad pesky guys that your body can’t, your body’s not immune to. By binding, neutralizing and removing that bacteria and fungi, it allows that gut barrier to come back to homeostasis. So if you’re looking at the gut barrier, you got all these little villi and fingers and epithelial cells. It’s just the top layer of your of your gut lining, right? And when we come and come in contact with inflammation that’s brought on by this bacteria, it degrades and breaks down that bacteria, right? They’re allowing a free flow of good bad bacteria. And so people get on this hamster wheel of low grade inflammation and they just can’t get off. Well, the first thing you got to do is go to the underlying cause and remove that and you can do that with serum bovine and human globulin and as interrogation being the finished product that you’re so familiar with. Yeah, and even removing it you allow the gut barrier to heal and you can finally absorb over water nutrients and proteins that your body takes in. So not only are you going to reduce those digestive health problems, but you’re going to live a healthier and happier life because the gut is connected to everything. I have dermatologists that use this on their patient populations. I have health coaches, bodybuilding coaches. It’s not about how much water and protein you take in, it’s about how much you can absorb. And if your gut barrier is inflamed, and it’s just broken to pieces, right, you got to heal it reduce that inflammation and allow it to come back to homeostasis like this.


Dr. Heather Finley  10:36

Yeah, so for people that are listening, this is probably what you’ve heard on Instagram, or Google as, quote unquote, leaky gut, when you have intestinal permeability, your body is just like he said, there’s low grade inflammation present, it’s very hard to heal and interrogate him or serum, bovine immunoglobulin help to bind to these things, actually allow your gut to glue itself back together, and kind of stops that super vicious cycle, which is pretty cool. That one product does all of that.


Brian Kaufman  11:11

Explain to patients all the time is that like, plates of antibodies are like the bodyguards of your immune system, right? And when those bad guys come in those bad characters, you need the bodyguards to grab them and throw them out before they set off a bad response.


Dr. Heather Finley  11:27

So on that note, why just explained to the listeners, why in 2023, do people need this? Like, why now more than ever? Do people need to use something like this? The Why do they need the bodyguard? I always tell our clients, it’s like the bouncer at the bar. I’m like, they’re getting all the bad guys out, you’re too drunk, you need to go home. And so why do we need this, you know, wire, it’s obviously gaining popularity, and it’s taken some time. And But why now more than ever, is this product so necessary, in 2023,


Brian Kaufman  12:07

in short capitalism, but in long form we are immune systems are not as robust. As our parents and their parents and their parents before them. We’re not outside as much we’re not developing that acquired immunity, that maybe generations before, but also, we come in contact with various chemicals, and nutrient deficient foods, and different things like that, that our bodies just have never come in contact. Right. And that’s why we have so much digestive health problems that then lead to issues with skin, cognition, and, you know, anxiety and depression and things like that 90% of the serotonin, the healthy happy chemical, right is manufactured in your gut, and you’ve got a super inflamed gut, you’re just not going to be able to manufacture all that serotonin that the body needs. But to fully answer your question, it’s because the elements become in contact with now are different.


Dr. Heather Finley  13:06

Yeah, absolutely. One of the reasons we also see people need this more, and it’s a vicious cycle, like you were describing as well is we’re under more stress than ever, which degrades our gut lining. And also, at least in the patient population that we work with specifically, they’ve been on every elimination diet possible. They’ve done low FODMAP, they’ve done whole 30. They’ve done the biphasic diet, I mean, you name it, they’ve tried it. And by the time they get to us, they’re eating like five different foods. They’re more bloated than they’ve ever been. And but yet, they’re so scared to eat more foods, because they’re like, everything makes me bloated. And the cool thing about immunoglobulins is they actually tell your immune system, we’re good, we’re not going to have a food sensitivity reaction to these foods. And so one of the markers that we see on some of the testing that we do is Secretory IgA. And we often see that marker being really low, especially when people have been under immense amount of stress and been on really restrictive diets. And that’s why that’s the cause of all of these food sensitivities that they’re having. And so that’s like, in my opinion, the perfect time to bring in immunoglobulins because they help to prevent those immune responses to food that people don’t obviously want to have.


Brian Kaufman  14:27

A great so great stat that I heard recently it was that your body naturally makes about eight grams of IgG and immunoglobulin, right. Well, if you got the sniffles, and maybe you’re really, really stressed out because you got finals next week or a big presentation at work, right? That inflammatory response, right is going to degrade the gut lining, but also make you more susceptible to other antigens and fungi and mycotoxins and stuff like that. So why not? supplement with additional antibodies, especially those that have such an abundant affinity to bind and remove all those backgrounds.


Dr. Heather Finley  15:09

Totally. And so that kind of brings me to the next question of like, let’s talk about some of the research related to dosing and length and everything. I know when I first discovered this ingredient, I guess you can call it a couple of years ago, a lot of the products that I was seeing there were like one gram, and so and I remember even talking to a rep from a certain supplement company saying, there’s really no benefit beyond one gram, um, because he was basically comparing their product to another product that had to and he’s like, you’re really not going to see a huge difference. Well, then I get to know McLean, who’s your colleague, and he was like, no, no, no, five grams is what we’re looking at. And my mind was blown. I’m like, I’ve been way under dosing this, especially after he showed me a lot of the research study. So let’s talk about that. And you know, how to use it and what the length is, I know, typically, the therapeutic dose that’s recommended is five grams for six weeks, although Maclean has told me, maybe it was you someone in the office took like 100 grams one day, and I don’t know who that was. But we got a laugh about that. So


Brian Kaufman  16:21

it was me it was four hours after I called them without attending in 2013. And we go, what is this, right, and then when they gave me a little plastic brine, it’s just a protein. It’s got a high IgG content, it’s grass certified by the FDA, it’s gonna be a little food, which is the gold standard for safe. And I was like, so you’re saying I can take 100 grand at the time, Dr. BRUCE BARNETT, who was the chief science officer at the time, he was like, Yeah, and I was like, Well, so what happens to it, and he said, well, any antibody that’s not actively bound on to that toe bad bacteria that it wants to remove, is just broken down into amino acids and absorbed as a protein. It’s 96% protein. So it is an isolate. Very, very safe. And the reason for the dosing as a practitioner, you know, your patients, seven, dosing and length of therapy is going to depend on what I call bacterial load, and patient history. If you are a young college sophomore at TCU, and you go, you know what, I’m going to be a little bit stressed, I, when this happens during finals week, a little bit of bloating and stuff like that, one to two grams is going to be absolutely perfect. But if you’re one of my Crohn’s patients, that is prone to flare, and I’m getting a call at 10 o’clock at night, in Michigan, er, your your inflammatory markers are gonna be through the roof, your bacterial load is going to be through the roof, not to mention the the degradation of the gut lining that I have no way to really, really see until I get you up to the floor. So if you’ve got a long history, we always say start with five grams a day, you can increase that up to 20 grams that we’ve shown on our clinical trials. Once that barrier function is established, basically, once we get that, that bacterial load down, and we allow that gut barrier to start to heal and come back together, you’re going to actually reduce that dosage to a maintenance one to two gram dose. The reason for the dosing differences is a clinical efficacious dose for disease states idsd phones, also, colitis SIBO, this patient population has a much higher bacterial load, they also have a much longer history dealing with digestive health problems. For those that have an occasional median and acute onset, maybe you’re, you know, for me, I’m from South Georgia, so when I take the family down there and need a lot of fried food, and you know, maybe not watching what I’m coming in contact with, you know, one or two grams is gonna be perfectly fine. And on an acute basis, that’s going to work. But it really comes down to you as the patient. The higher the severity of your conditions are, the longer you’ve been dealing with them. The higher dose you want to take in those cases, start with five grams. Try that out for about three weeks. And then if you start to you start to feel a little bit better, you can start to reduce the dosage. The reason why we tend to wait three weeks is it takes 21 to 25 days for new healthy tissue to turnover in the digestive tract. So we say give the high dose at least three to four weeks, then you can start to slowly titrate that down to a low maintenance dose. And like you were describing with your friend that went off of it, and her symptoms came back. A lady that I talked to probably three times a year still she’s that And I was just describing that I was bringing into the ER once or twice a year where she’s still on the products. She, she’s now on a maintenance dose of one to two grams, and she takes it every other day. But if she goes off it for a week, her symptoms come back because her body simply does not make the antibodies that naturally bind and remove the bacteria that she comes in contact with most often.


Dr. Heather Finley  20:25

I would I mean, even from personal experience, I’ve seen that kind of three to four week marker. As I said earlier, when I was dealing with mold last year, I had like terrible brain fog. Thankfully, I didn’t have any digestive symptoms, I think because I have worked so hard over the years to heal my gut. But the brain fog was just so troublesome, especially trying to work. And so when McLean sent me that large canister of it, I was like very diligent about doing the five grams a day and it was about three weeks. And I was like, Whoa, I feel so much better. And so I stayed on that the five grams probably for 12 weeks. And then now I’m taking a lower dose. But it’s seriously, honestly life changing for a lot of people. Can you speak to some of the things that you you mentioned Crohn’s, you mentioned idsd, you mentioned SIBO. Let’s dig into maybe some of the research that the clinical trials and things that you guys have done on these specific disease states and immunoglobin and how it’s helped. I know, Maclean has sent me a couple of studies about SIBO, and Rifaximin. And so I’d love to kind of touch on that just because that’s very relevant to those that are listening to this podcast.


Brian Kaufman  21:43

Sure, sure. So the first major trial that we did was a randomized placebo controlled trial in Ontario, Canada, on reducing the mean number of days that patients had overall Digestive Health Center. And so we had kind of five endpoints, their own reduction in diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain. And we saw about a 40% reduction in the number of days that people had these digestive health symptoms. And so when you qualify that as a, you know, as a normal person, that’s like getting four months of your life. Yeah, that’s crazy, in five and 10 gram dose settings. And we saw a little bit of a higher improvement on the 10 gram dose side. But on a washout study that we did after that everyone maintained their success, success level long term, because we reconstituted the microbiome by just removing all the bad stuff. Now, a trial that is very near and dear to my heart is our SIBO trial. And it was because the physician that put it on Dr. Lin Weinstock at the St. Louis University was a big, big proponent of refactoring. And I think, you know, I helped launch for that. So Meissen, which was like the first broad spectrum antibiotic for for C diff. So I always kind of had a passion for C. diff, and post infectious IBS because these were the patient population that we were never could treat we could never fit. And he told me said, Brian, I use Rifaximin that works 50% of the time, and that’s good enough for me. And I said, Well, do your patients think that 50% is good enough for them? We have this long little aha moment. He wasn’t sure about it. And I said, How about this? Give me the trainer’s give me the ones that you’re there fifth sixth seventh console. The one that you look on the docket? No, no, no, we’re going to do for this patient. Give me those that fail Rifaximin. And if you don’t see a positive result, I’ll never come in this door give me the Challenge accepted. So we did it. We did a trial. We took patients and we first gave them a lifeless breath test, which as you know, at the time was diagnostic criteria for SIBO. Positive they got his standard of care, which was xifaxan Rifaximin, 550 GID. Nothing said it worked. The 50% that it didn’t work, we put on interrogates for four weeks at five grams a day. The results met were a 70 to 80% reduction in their diarrhea and bloating and flatulence and things like that. It’s so crazy. The relentless breath has negative, same thing. We gave him the entire game for four weeks at five grams a day, and 70 to 80% reduction in all of their symptoms. Dr. Weinstock was a naysayer. Now he is an absolute believer and as a part of his standard of care protocol for everyone that comes in that door with those specific symptoms especially if he believes that SIBO is the real culprit now You may be thinking yourself, well, what about those ones that didn’t test positive? For the other lactulose breath test? What is it specifically that was causing their issues? I believe that it was Sefa smallest fungal overgrowth, which we also know, causes tons of inflammation and things like that. We did a recent study on top of that one to show that we can bind and remove various species of Candida, and we’re doing another trial right now on mycotoxins because we believe that for those that have IBS, about 50% of those are SIBO, another 20 to 30% that are still on that they’re on that list like, Well, no, we’re gonna do we believe that a fungal component is actually the underlying cause of their digestive health problems with serum bovine globulin, you can bind and remove those antigens and let the body fight back and get back to living your best life.


Dr. Heather Finley  25:54

I love it. So give us just kind of a brief summary of what things it binds to. You’ve mentioned several, but in general, I know you guys have done a lot of studies it binds to Candida can bind to certain bacteria, mycotoxins give everyone kind of a rundown of all the things that can help remove.


Brian Kaufman  26:15

gosh, I wish I would have prepared a list


Dr. Heather Finley  26:18

than just the main thing,


Brian Kaufman 26:19

possibly doing your new research. We know that it binds on about 40 plus different antigens right now. The first one, the one that almost no one talks about is called Lippo polysaccharide. It actually makes up about 60% of the inflammatory bacteria in your gut right now. It binds and removes that. Again, I told you one of my little sore spots from our patient population was C difficile, right? If anyone’s ever had C diff, or if you’ve ever managed a C Diff patient, it’s so tough because they have to be on contact precautions in the hospital. Meaning that No, they can’t have family come see them. If you walk into the room as a practitioner, you’ve got a gown glove mask everything right? You look like Darth Vader walking in there. That’s really tough probation? Yes. So it binds remove see the particles A and B. H. Pylori, E. Coli. Right. Obviously, the Candida species and things like that various mycotoxins, ShiGGa toxin, tons of things. And in fact, if Dr. Finley if you have an idea of an issue with a patient and certain antigen, let me know, practitioners, patients, if someone’s told you, you’ve taken some kind of a test that says you’re positive for this, and you’re not sure. If this combined, remove that. Reach out to us, we’ll find out and if we don’t have that data, though, we’ll go get it,


Dr. Heather Finley  27:51

huh? Yeah, I mean, honestly, it’s, it binds to so many things that are also so very different. So I’m sure the list is honestly endless. At this point. It just hasn’t been studied, which is so cool. Thinking about the opportunity,


Brian Kaufman  28:06

You are just translocating the acquired immune system from a bovine source to a human, you’re taking their immune system.


Dr. Heather Finley  28:16

Yeah. Okay. So question for you. Well, I have a couple. One is people are probably wondering, is there anyone that shouldn’t take this? You know, can you take it when you’re pregnant when you’re breastfeeding? Like if you have certain allergies, is there anyone that shouldn’t take this product? Or is it generally say for most people, obviously, disclaimer, this is not medical advice. Anything we’re saying here is, please consult your doctor. But in general, who can’t take this product.


Brian Kaufman  28:48

So there are no drug to drug interactions. So as a practitioner, you’re worried about polypharmacy, which is the fifth, the fifth highest cause of mortality in America right now. There’s no food interactions or anything like that. The only patient that should not take this is someone with a beef allergy. That’s it. I’ve never personally come in contact with a patient like that. But they’re out there.


Dr. Heather Finley  29:11

And they are Yeah,


Brian Kaufman  29:14

And um alpha gal syndrome. We are seeing on the Eastern Seaboard, especially in the New Jersey area, where people are developing some affinity to beef products. And so I always say that, if you have an allergy to beef, this isn’t for you.


Dr. Heather Finley  29:28

Yeah. We actually have a practitioner and one of my practitioner programs, and she has a client with alpha gal, and she was so excited about using it. And then I was like, I actually don’t think that this is a good idea. Like this is probably the one thing that you don’t want to use it with. What about pregnancy and breastfeeding? We tend to see tons of clients that are either trying to conceive, pregnant, postpartum, etc. And I know a lot of people listening to this podcast are in that stage of life


Brian Kaufman  29:57

as well. We’ve been saying that unless you have a beef allergy, there are no other contraindications or reasons why you can’t take it. We’ve never done any clinical trials in. See, for those that are breastfeeding, so I can’t talk directly to that. I do know that we’ve given it to children, as you know, as young as three months old, helped kickstart their microbiome and allow them to fight, essentially, against bacteria that’s causing problems for them.


Dr. Heather Finley  30:26

Yeah, I know, I’ve used it with my kids. So it’s been, it’s been amazing.


Brian Kaufman  30:30

I put it in food, I mix it in pancakes. I put it in my dog’s food. It’s great for pets as well, again, it’s just an antibody antibodies bind and remove antigens, the underlying cause of many of our problems. Just get the bad guys out. Let your body do the rest.


Dr. Heather Finley  30:50

Yep. Okay, so last question. Now everyone’s probably thinking, How do I get my hands on this? And so what are the ways in which people can take this product? Do you have to get it through a doctor? I know, I could actually see behind you, you have some of the products that it’s found in? So where’s the best way for people to get access to this? Obviously, consulting your medical provider is the best way. But is it available commercially, etc.


Brian Kaufman  31:21

Absolutely. So when we launched this product, we launched any five grim, political efficacious prescription medical food product that can only be obtained through your gastroenterologist, we’ve kind of expanded on that you can go to interrogate m.com, actually, and there’s a little button that says order now, fill that out, put in your practitioners name. So that member who’s have to be distributed under medical supervision, just so that, you know, you’re talking to your doctor about this. And, and you can get it shipped directly to your door. And of course, that’s if you need that high level dose. And this is a problem that you’ve had for a long time. If you’re just looking for a way to boost your immune system, ensure that you don’t have issues with that an occasional bout of diarrhea or bloating or something like that. You can you can, there are over the counter or dietary supplement products that you can, you can purchase. Some in particular, I guess I’ll leave it on these notes, including this is my favorite new protein products so that we don’t make that or anything. I’m just a big fan of salt map, launched a product called gut clinic that’s got a probiotic, a postbox and then the IgG. The SBI in it, they kind of work energetically, obviously, you know, robotics be good bacteria, while immunoglobulins will be bad bacteria. They’re kind of like the Tag Team Champions of the microbiome. There are two in particular, this is from a company called Health Jeopardy. It’s called prime gut health. And it’s a blend as well with spore based probiotics and a big fan of those, as well as the the SBI. This is called mega IgG 1000. From microbiome labs, another great practitioner brand that that you can you can work with. And then we also have great parts like gut detox Pro from Amy Myers, indeed. And they, I mean, there’s probably 60 products out there right now that are in that one to two gram dose, simply Google ImmunoLin or serum bovine immune globulin, and you’ll get a ton of those that come up right now. It’s a great company called Livio, they put on a great product with SBI in it, biotics as well as designs for health. That is one of my favorite ones actually designed for health is a naturopath brand. And I had an idea that sometimes people don’t want to wait six to eight weeks, you know, to really get back to normal. And so I said What can I source What can I do to blend to to bring more value to that consumer population. And so I went down this pathway after reading a couple of studies on Prozis on an acetyl glucosamine that products called IgG Eyeshield. And we utilize the SBI to bind and remove the agents, while the Nag of the interseeded glucosamine actually interacts with the goblet cells and produces a protective mucosal layer to further protect that gut there as it’s trying to do.


Dr. Heather Finley  34:31

Yeah, that’s one that we actually use quite a bit. That product, same with mega IgG. And that’s what I saw initially behind you. And then SBI protect is probably one of the other ones that we use quite a bit. It’s nice because it’s two and a half grams per scoop. So it’s easy to just tell a client like to scoop today versus them having to measure out other things or take 10 capsules of something. So


Brian Kaufman  34:54

it’s more cost savings perspective. I always recommend people start on Enteragam. You a boxer that get At high dose, you’re going to eradicate all that bacteria. Wow, that is that start to heal, and then go after one of the over the counter supplement products with the wellness.


Dr. Heather Finley  35:10

Yeah. And we’ll link all that in the show notes in case you’re wanting to check it out or ask your GI doctor about it. Um, do we miss anything, Brian, anything that you want to say or mentioned to the listeners about SBI. And, yeah, anything we missed


Brian Kaufman  35:27

those guys in quote, you know, historical figures. But Socrates said that, you know, all disease begins in the gut. And I fully fully believe that, but I also believe that life begins in the gut, because the digestive tract connects to everything. So while initially, you’re removing bacteria, and shoring up the gut, a better functioning more efficient digestive tract has so many positive implications to the other body systems, your hairs, skin’s gonna look better, because you’re absorbing all that water and protein and nutrients. We have pro bodybuilders and athletes that take this product, specifically, because it’s not about how much water and protein that you take in, it’s about how much you can absorb. And once that barrier function is established, once we’ve gotten rid of all those bad guys, we allow that gut to heal. It essentially makes your body utopia for muscular protein synthesis and growth and recovery. So we see lots of people, not just folks that have issues with diarrhea, bloating, that seed benefit, but those that even start with diarrhea, bloating, oh, man, I feel better, I sleep better, my skin looks better. I have more energy. I don’t have that brain thought that. I worked under Dr. Satish Rao, the Medical College of Georgia. And he was talking about this brain fog in his gut brain access over 10 years ago, and people were telling me he was just, you know, way out of left field, what we know now that the attaches and connects to everything, especially the brain.


Dr. Heather Finley  37:06

Totally, and I agree with you life begins in the gut. I love that analogy. It’s, it’s true. When you feel good. You can live your life so much more fully present, not distracted with your GI symptoms, you can actually enjoy food again. I mean, honestly, the list kind of goes on. So


Brian Kaufman  37:24

you mentioned that people have are so fearful of things that they’re going to eat. And my I’ll tell you my real aha moment when I said I want to work for this company I want to know more is that little old lady that I was telling you about? And I met her all I’m in her room and I’m doing ins and outs. And she gets I can tell she’s getting really, really anxious. And she said, Brian, I think I’m constantly. I’m literally looking at her chart right now. And I’m like, Okay, tell me why you think that you’re constipated she said, Ron, you do 12 hour shifts. And you know, you’re about to leave, and I’ve only gone twice. Now granted, when I met her she was on the bathroom 12 to 15 times.


Dr. Heather Finley  38:07

Oh my gosh. Yeah.


Brian Kaufman  38:09

And so I was like, Okay, I was like how many? You’ve gone twice today? How many times a day do you think you should go? And then she kind of had this like little moment. She’s like, you’re right. Her new norm was so different from the rest of her life, that it just completely took her back. Now fast forward three, four weeks later, I discharged her things going good. I’ve, you know, forgotten about the incident. She comes back and I got like seven charts up on the above the nurse’s station. And she comes in and she’s like, Brian, I went to my daughter’s ballet with my granddaughters ballet recital recital. I’m going to honors things. And I was like, and that’s pretty high bond. You’re the one that I went back to doing what I was doing right. And I definitely I know you’re in Texas. But people are all over the world. We’re going to listen to this. If you’re from the south, you know the mama grab, or they like grab you by the underside of your arm. Come on, she said, Brian, you don’t understand. I don’t get to go. Sorry. I don’t host things I do that this has changed in my life. Okay, that’s pretty big. I need to take a step back and go why? Yes.


Dr. Heather Finley  39:26

I love it. And I mean, honestly, we hear stories like that all the time, like gut issues can be so debilitating people don’t even realize how much their gut issues hold them back from career family. I mean so many things. So it’s pretty amazing what you guys are doing and I really appreciate you sharing all of this with us. Last question I have is it’s probably pretty obvious but I’m gonna ask you anyways. So because it’s called the love your gut podcast. What is your favorite way to love your gut?


Brian Kaufman  40:00

My favorite way to love your gut can start with chew your food.


Dr. Heather Finley  40:06

Yes, that’s one of my favorite things. Yes.


Brian Kaufman  40:10

That is the number one things to chew your food to your food, drink water, manage the things that you can’t manage, like you’re with breathing techniques and, and anxiety and stress and things like that. But don’t be afraid to look outside of that and go, You know what? My body doesn’t make the antibodies it needs to deal with the mold that I’m dealing with. Right? Let’s grab an antibody. You know what, let’s grab a spore based probiotics. Let’s let those two work together and a little push pull mechanism and reduce that inflammation and get that inflammatory bacteria out. And then also do some do some gut testing, right? Find out what are food sensitivity testing you for myself, I love tomato sandwiches. My wife has a garden in the backyard almost exclusively for me. But I know that if I eat a couple of tomato sandwiches this week, I’m gonna have a histamine reaction, I probably need to take a little bit more IgG and, and things like that. So don’t deny yourself but know what you have issues so that you can arm yourself, I know that I’m gonna eat tomato sandwiches this week, instead of taking three grams a day of SPI, I’m gonna take five. If I’m traveling, if I’m going to come in contact with different elements that I don’t normally come in contact with. I’m going to take a little bit more and protect myself without having to change really, really drastically changed my lifestyle. I love it.


Dr. Heather Finley  41:50

Well, thanks again for coming. Like I said everything will be linked in the show notes for those of you that are interested in learning more or just reading more about some of the studies.


Dr. Heather Finley  41:59

So Brian, thanks again for joining me.


Brian Kaufman  42:01

My pleasure, healthy gut happy life. Enjoy. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

Dr. Heather Finley  42:07

As always, please note that this episode or anything discussed on this podcast is not a substitution for medical advice. And you should always consult your health practitioner before trying anything new.

Thanks so much for tuning into this episode of the Love Your Gut podcast. I always appreciate spending some time in your air pods. And this message is for the practitioners. So if you are a practitioner that is passionate about gut health, and maybe you don’t quite feel confident in your skills with clients, I have an amazing opportunity for you to join the August cohort of gut practitioner. Gut practitioner is my signature, comprehensive four month educational program for health professionals and registered dietitians to truly empower you with the knowledge and confidence to tackle even the most complex gi cases, we truly start head to toe and uncover all the things that could possibly go wrong. Just like you learn about and these past episodes to help you really understand how to assess for what’s going on with your clients how to come up with a comprehensive treatment plan, and how to make sure that you are the absolute last provider that they see because they found lasting relief. So if you’re ready to expand your expertise, and learn advanced diagnostic and treatment strategies from a functional perspective, and also join a community of like minded professionals, don’t let the complex cases intimidate you any longer. You can join a practitioner and transform your practice and really provide the best care for your patients which is what we all want. So you can visit https://www.drheatherfinley.co/gutpractitioner/ to learn more. The link is also in the show notes or you can DM me on Instagram GutPractitioner and I’m happy to give you more information.

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Hi, I’m Dr. Heather

Registered dietitian and helps people struggling with bloating, constipation, and IBS find relief from their symptoms and feel excited about food again.

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Dr. Heather Finley