
Why are you Bloated?

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Ep. 38: How to Not Give Up on Your Gut Health Journey

What does it take to be consistent for your gut health?


In this episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast, I talk to Megan about her journey with the gutTogether program, the frustrations of endless failed treatments, and why we need to treat the whole gut from top to bottom, the importance of mindset in the gut health journey, how the gutTogether program is different to the rest, and get Megan’s advice to others in the same boat.


Topics Covered in This Episode:

  • [01:41] Megan’s gut health story
  • [06:37] Why Megan didn’t give up
  • [08:40] What were the missing pieces?
  • [10:41] Holistic gut health.
  • [13:00] Megan’s lightbulb moment.
  • [14:53] Changing our mindsets.
  • [18:23] gutTogether results.
  • [22:03] Helpful tools for conquering gut symptoms
  • [25:58] Specific fears Megan had to overcome
  • [28:28] What makes gutTogether different?
  • [31:28] gutTogether community.
  • [33:36] Megan’s advice for those considering gutTogether
  • [36:48] Megan’s favorite way to love her gut.


If this episode has been helpful, hit me up on Instagram, and tell me about your experience!



  • Getting enough sleep.

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  • “Your gut is not just your intestines.”
  • “You have to be mentally prepared to try new things and open to it.”
  • “Food is medicine.


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Dr. Heather Finley, Megan

Megan  00:02

I didn’t want to give up I wanted. I wanted to be in a better place with food. And I wanted to be a good example to my family. And I wanted my hair to stop falling out. So I just I just kept trying.

Dr. Heather Finley  00:17

Hey, welcome to the love your gut podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Heather Finley, I know what you’re thinking, how am I supposed to love my gut when all it does is hold me back. I thought the same thing before I found my own relief from my own gut health issues. I dedicated my life to getting to the bottom of my own gut issues, so I can help women just like you transform theirs. Now I’m here to guide you through your own gut health journey. We do this through identifying your root causes and making sustainable and transformational changes. As a result, you can unleash your true potential. My goal is to empower you with the information and tools you need to love your gut. So it loves you back right here on this podcast.

Dr. Heather Finley  01:03

Welcome back to the next episode of the love your gut Podcast. I’m so excited today to be joined by our client, Megan, this is going to be a little bit of a different episode, if you tend to tune in for topical episodes, this is going to be more of an inspirational episode to share with you a client experience from a client of ours who really started with a ton of symptoms and has been working with us for the past year, which there’s a story about that as well. Related to this podcast, actually. And so Megan, welcome to the show.

Megan  01:38

Thank you so much. I’m so excited to be here.

Dr. Heather Finley  01:41

Well, why don’t you just start off telling us a little bit about yourself and telling us a little bit about what you were struggling with GI wise and otherwise. When you first started reaching out to me on Instagram, I remember we were messaging back and forth, right after I had my son last year in the springtime. Yes.

Megan  02:02

So I’m a music teacher. And I am definitely a workaholic. And I am very busy. So I’m sure that that kind of resonates with a lot of people who are also listening to the podcast. And I started to have a lot of GI symptoms after the birth of my daughter. So about a year after she was born, I started losing a lot of hair still. And just to give a little bit more context, my daughter is now eight and a half years old. So I’ve been struggling with this for quite some time. And when I was losing a lot of my hair, many months postpartum my, my doctor was very concerned. So she started to run some thyroid tests. And she told me that my thyroid levels were low, and then I should go find an an endo. So I started that journey. And if anybody has tried to find an endo, they’re very difficult to find and very difficult to get appointments with. So I was finally able to get an appointment. And I went and saw this endocrinologist and he looks at my hands. And he looks at me and he asked me how old I was. And he asked if I had sweaty palms. And I said no. And he said, you don’t have any thyroid issues, and kind of brushed me off.

Megan  03:24

So I kind of just let it go. And then when I had my next follow up with my doctor, she asked if I had, you know, any symptoms still, and I told her that I did. And in between that time, I had started having like just strange issues, some, you know, just diarrhea out of nowhere. And I didn’t have a stomach bug. I wasn’t sick, and I didn’t think very much of it at all. So when I went to go see her again, she once again read my thyroid numbers, and they were closer to range and she wasn’t as concerned anymore. But then fast forward a few more months, and I ended up getting the flu, and took Tamiflu and then for subsequent months after that, I ended up with sinus infections, which I took antibiotics for and then all of a sudden I started having all of these strange symptoms. I started having topical reactions to foods that I never had reactions to before I started having all kinds of GI issues. And then I really realized that like something was wrong. Something major was really wrong. So I did allergy testings and I had a lot of airborne allergies but no allergies to any foods. So no food allergies, per se. I at the same time, underwent hernia surgery, and now looking back realizing that all of this affected my gut and all of this kind of brought me to trying to search for answers. So I went back and found another endocrinologist who got me on some lipo thyroxin a very small dose, but things were not getting better. So I then went and saw a GI doctor who did all the breast tests imaginable, colonoscopy, endoscopy, and they diagnosed me with SIBO. So there are not very many people

Megan  05:26

who are who will treat SIBO with anything besides I Faxon. And so I went through some side effects and rounds. And that didn’t help. So I started to seek out functional medicine specialists. And then this was right before the pandemic. So I started seeing a functional medicine specialist in the winter of 2019. And we went through four rounds of kill protocols for my SIBO,

Megan  05:58

which did not work. So then I kind of threw my hands up in the air and gave up. And that’s probably around the same time that I started messaging you. And I will nicely say that I was probably, you know, stalking you on Instagram and messaging a lot. And I was just kind of in a scary place to be able to take another leap since I had already walked, you know, worked with a functional medicine specialists with not very many results.

Dr. Heather Finley  06:26

Thanks for sharing all of that. And your story is so relatable. I think for so many people listening and even for my own story, for those of you listening that have heard my story, tell us a little bit about what it felt like to keep going to these doctors and getting brushed off or not getting results. And why did you continue searching for answers? Like what in your gut was telling you something not to be cheesy, but what gut instinct Were you having? That was like no, this is worth pursuing. So

Megan  06:58

it was really scary, I didn’t have very much control over what was happening, I had very little control over my GI symptoms, I was given the advice to go on a low FODMAP diet. So I sought out a nutritionist who specialized in low FODMAP. And every time we tried challenging new foods, I still got the same result because I hadn’t healed my gut at all. So the restrictive diets, the going out to restaurants, and every time I was brought a plate of food, being scared to eat it or crying because they brought it out wrong. And just watching how that was impacting my children. And knowing that I didn’t want my children to be scared of food. And I didn’t want them to be scared of me eating food. Because that that’s where I was headed. You know, I was down to lots of green leaves, lots of carrots, lots of cucumbers. And I think one of one of the biggest turning points was I distinctly remember picking up my car from an oil change. And the woman said to me, you look orange. And I said, What? And she said, look at your hands. They’re orange. And sure enough, I went home and asked my husband and I was eating so many carrots that I was turning literally turning orange. So I just I didn’t want to give up I wanted. I wanted to be in a better place with food. And I wanted to be a good example to my family. And I wanted my hair to stop falling out. So I just I just kept trying.

Dr. Heather Finley  08:37

Yeah, so tell us now looking back. So you’ve done a lot of things you’ve done, like you said, so many rounds of SIBO treatment, so many kill protocols, elimination diets, all this stuff. What do you think were the missing pieces now that you have the knowledge that you do, just kind of speaking to that person that maybe feels like you do, maybe they’re not quite orange yet, but maybe they feel the same way? Like they’re scared of food. It’s starting to affect their relationships, it’s starting to affect their family. And it’s starting to have this ripple effect not only on themselves, but around everything in their life. So what were the missing pieces.

Megan  09:18

One of the biggest missing pieces when I was working with a functional medicine specialist and was doing the kill protocols is that I wasn’t moving my bowels at all. And we just kept treating with supplements and SIBO protocols, but I knew nothing was moving. Nothing was moving through my body so there was no way that I was going to be able to heal. And she tried talking to me about a lot of the same things that I learned in the gut Together program about how important meal hygiene is and breathing. But I was just so high stress and high strung around the food and around the kill protocol. was that I didn’t understand. So she just kept telling me to do these things. But I didn’t understand why. And I didn’t realize how important they were at the time. So having that knowledge of having the knowledge of why is it important to slow down and chew your food and make it applesauce consistency? You know, why is it important to breathe before you’re eating and to not rush? Though those were some missing pieces, in addition to the not moving my bells.

Dr. Heather Finley  10:35

Yeah, so it was you had some of the information, but the application of it was really hard. And I love what you said at the beginning. I wasn’t moving my bowels. And I want to talk about that for a second. Because that’s probably the most common thing that we see is clients that have come to us just like you. They’ve done elimination diets, they’ve done kill protocols, whether it’s antibiotics, or herbals, or typically a combination of both, because they’ve advanced from their regular gi to a functional medicine doctor a lot of times, and they’re just bombing the gut. And what I want to tell the listener here is that your gut is not just your intestines, your gut includes everything from your mouth all the way to your anus, and sorry to say that word on this podcast, but really, it’s an open system. And so if you think of it, like all the way from your mouth, all the way through, everything upstream has to work in order for everything downstream to work. And so if you’re in the same situation as Megan, where you’ve done all the protocols, you’ve done all the elimination diets, it’s probably not just a quote unquote, gut issue. It’s probably also a digestive enzyme issue, a stomach acid issue, a stress issue, a motility issue, and you can’t make any progress on the intestines. That’s really the last step is addressing the intestines. So Megan, you’re definitely not alone. And I the listener who’s listening to this is definitely not alone on that either.

Megan  12:12

Yeah, for sure. And the other thing, I think it was also for me a, having to do things maybe that I failed at before finding the thing that worked and hearing the same messages again, and again, from a different angle. Because I think so many of us just, we rushed through our day. And I have two young kids at home, and I’m going from activity to activity and eating in the car is a thing. And you know, knowing that that was also negatively affecting my gut and my health, and that there’s so much more around digestion than just putting a piece of food in your mouth and having it go through your system.

Dr. Heather Finley  13:00

Yeah, so tell us more about that. What do you think, was the lightbulb moment? Or what do you think was the time in which you realized, okay, the stuff they’re telling me that I’ve potentially heard before actually matters? And why do you think it finally clicked? Or what was it that made it finally click?

Megan  13:20

I think, and I know a lot of people like talk about how things changed after COVID for them. And I don’t want to sound cliche, but like COVID made me stop and slow down in general. And while I didn’t start healing, correctly, at the beginning of COVID, I think that the fact that I saw how stressed I was and how over scheduled I was and how overworked I was, and then I had no choice but to stop. That started to change my entire framework and my entire mindset. So I think I was a lot more open to hearing things like you need to be calm when you’re eating, you need to take the time to sit down and eat. because prior to that, I was a multitasker. You know, I was sitting on my phone typing an email while eating or I was driving while eating or, you know, I was snacking here and there whenever I was hungry and not having necessarily balanced meals. So I think the relationships also around when you’re eating and food and sitting down to lunch and sitting down to dinner. Those things I started to prioritize anyway in my life during COVID Because we were home and not running in 1000 directions. So I think having that mindset shift also helped a lot,

Dr. Heather Finley  14:47

huh, totally. And that’s one of the most common things that we hear and as you know, from interacting with so many of our clients over the last year or so, most of our clients are Very busy moms most of the time in our or desire to be moms, they have busy jobs, they have busy lives. And so the common thing that we hear is, Well, I can’t get rid of my job, therefore, I’m always going to be stressed. And this is so discouraging, because how am I going to heal my gut and fix my gut problems? If I have the stress in my life? So now that you know what, you know, what would you say to someone in that mindset? Because it sounds like that was your mindset before. And now you have a completely different mindset about it. And your job hasn’t changed the fact that your mom, your mom hasn’t changed. There’s so many constants in your life that have the potential to add stress, but you’re just managing it differently. Yeah, I

Megan  15:48

think I think that that’s exactly it. Yeah, I’m just managing it differently. And I’m, I realized, even a lot through COVID, that, you know, we were on our devices and computers so much, because I’m in education. And I mean, everybody was, even if they were in there, not in education, that I realized that I had to like walk away. And I had to take a five or 10 minute, walking break in the middle of the afternoon, to be able to just not be in front of my screen and not be doing work. And that five or 10 minute break, or a 15 minute walk or 20 minute walk during my lunch break, or whatever it may be, you know, that wasn’t making me be less productive, it probably was helping me be more productive, because I wasn’t so stressed when I was working and shutting down at the end of the night, and turning your phone off or not checking your email after certain times and just giving myself parameters, then I wasn’t feeling so stressed. And so high anxiety all the time. And like I just said that that actually helped me to be more productive. And the more that I was able to do that, the less stress that I did have, but then also the less stress I had when I was sitting down to eat, which then meant I had less gut symptoms as well and less GI symptoms. And that just made me feel better overall.

Dr. Heather Finley  17:14

Yeah, and it stopped the vicious cycle, right. So you know, previously you weren’t taking time, you were like you said, multitasking while you were eating, you had more gut symptoms. And that started to have this ripple effect on your making you more stressed impacting your family, etc. And so by disrupting that, and even taking something as simple as a five minute break in the day had a positive ripple effect on so many other aspects of your life. Am I hearing that correctly? Yeah, absolutely. Hey there, I know you’re absolutely loving this episode on gut health. But I have to interrupt to ask you a favor. If you haven’t enjoyed the love your gut podcast, the best way that you can support us is by leaving a rating and review on your favorite podcast platform. Your ratings and reviews help us reach so many more people and spread the word about the importance of gut health. So go on over hit a five star rating and leave a review, letting others know how much you love the show and what your favorite episode was. I truly appreciate your support and can’t wait to bring you more get loving content. Let’s shift into now that you’ve basically completed the program. Obviously, we’re still fine tuning some things here and there. But what are some tangible or intangible results that you’ve experienced? You shared a lot about the GI symptoms that you were experiencing. But you also shared about some non gi related symptoms as well. So let’s talk about tangible and intangible results that you’ve experienced.

Megan  18:49

So I can definitely say that starting the program, I had extremely high liver enzyme numbers due to supplement that I had used previously, and incorrectly use them at you know, dosages I probably should not have been using to mat and I was very nervous because I was given a very clear directive I guess from a liver doctor that I should I needed to take 12 weeks off on no supplements at all. So I was nervous about starting the program. But you and your team were so encouraging about how there’s so much more than just supplements that I took the leap. And what was wonderful is that I learned first how I needed to slow down and I needed to watch out for my meal hygiene and get my stress under control. And I was able to do so many things without supplements first to kind of set myself up I guess for success. And then I would say that one of the biggest things was learning that everything is connected. So all of the pelvic floor issues that I was having, that’s all connected to the gut. And I had had diastasis for my daughter, so I had been dealing with that since she was born. So, you know, that would have been seven, seven and a half years. And I didn’t realize that that could even impact my gut. So through your team, and lots of great suggestions, I was able to find a pelvic floor doctor, and then I’ll be able to find a pelvic floor pt. And I’ve been able to close my diastasis. And that, I mean, that’s just helped overall with just my core strength. So that is gut related, but also not related, I guess, as well. I got.

Megan  20:55

Um, so that that was one of, yeah, I think one of the biggest things is that just everything, everything is connected, and everything is related. And you might feel like you’re going in all of these opposite directions, but the end goal is the same. My bowel movements are so much more regular, I feel safe around food, I joke to people that I went out, you know, to a restaurant and I had friends even make comments like, Oh, my goodness, you’re you’re ordering food like a normal human again, when I used to walk into restaurants with like this little card that would say, I can only have can you please make for me, because I was tired of like trying to explain it to the waitresses, and it was just so much easier. So I feel so much more empowered to try new foods and to eat things. But I also feel so much more empowered that when I am having symptoms, I have the tools and the resources to be able to fall back on.

Dr. Heather Finley  22:00

What would you say this is kind of a side note, but what would you say is one of the bigger tools that helps you so I think it’s, it’s helpful to point out the fact that we can resolve symptoms, but that doesn’t mean that they’re never going to come back, right, you experience a little bit of stress, you might get a little bit bloated or you go on vacation, maybe you get a little constipated. And so having the tools in your tool belt to be able to address them is key, what do you think the main tool or maybe there’s multiple, but the main tools that you fall back on are, I would say

Megan  22:40

one of the biggest things is sleep. And I think so many of us are told or have the mentality, you know, we’ll sleep when we die, we can get more done. But it is so important. The weeks that I have less sleep because of life or work events or, you know, I can definitely feel a difference in my in my symptoms and my GI issues. And I think one of the biggest things for me is just knowing that I’m going to regulate again. So we went on a you know, we went on a trip over Christmas with my family, and we were going through a different time zone. So a lot of things were not normal, and you know, political regular, I guess, and I was having a hard time, but I was able to really just keep reminding myself that, you know, even if I’m having some of these symptoms, right now, they’re not gonna last forever. And when I get back home, or when I’m able to sleep a little bit more, or when I’m able to add, you know, some magnesium citrate some extra, you know, into my into my supplement routine, that, you know, things are going to level out again. And just knowing that and having that in the back of my mind at all times has really helped me to be able to have a better mindset about it. Because I feel like you can get so bogged down, when you know your gut is in pain and you are in pain. And it can really damper things like vacations and family time. But for me now knowing that it’s at some point, it might take a few days, it might take a week, but that I’m gonna go back to the same place where I’m feeling better and things are moving better. And that has helped a ton.

Dr. Heather Finley  24:33

I love that and so it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. It doesn’t have to be doom and gloom. I’m never gonna get better See, I knew this wasn’t gonna work this like worst case scenario type ality. So you may have already answered this question, but what do you think you’re most proud of yourself for since being in got together?

Megan  24:54

I think trusting you guys. So I was on as I met tend, you know, I’ve done low FODMAP, I’ve done no car, but I’ve done you name it, I feel like I’ve tried it, either because I thought it would help me make, you know, help me feel better, or because somebody told me it would make me feel better. And I just want it to feel better. So, you know, changing my meal spacing, and having food within an hour of waking up, like, I was scared to do it. And but I did it. And things are so much better because of it. So I feel a little bit like, just the letting go, even though what was also wonderful is that you guys, let me kind of push back a little, and then you nicely push back on me, you know, and

Megan  25:45

just knowing that I do have to try things that are out of my comfort zone. And those are the things that are going to help me to heal the most. Yeah.

Dr. Heather Finley  25:56

So on that note, then were there any specific fears that you had to overcome before starting? got together? And even during I think you’ve kind of already answered that piece. But you know, like you said, you, you’d been to the functional medicine doctors, you’d been to endocrinologist, you’d been to all sorts of providers. So I’m sure that there were fears and I know, there were because we had a lot of Instagram, DMS about this. So tell us what fears you had to overcome. And it sounds like trust definitely is one of them.

Megan  26:28

Yeah, I would say just trusting yet another processand really like not knowing if I could emotionally do it again. Because I felt like I had emotionally done it so many times, and not knowing how this was going to be different, like what was going to be different about this than another program that I did. That was definitely one of the biggest fears. You know, another fear that I’m sure a lot of people have is the money and putting, you know, putting themselves out there financially and emotionally. And it’s worth every penny and more. And I wish I had done it sooner. If I had done it sooner what I’ve been as ready to listen, you know, to all the suggestions, I don’t know. But you know, it’s definitely worth it for the community and the other people that are going through the program as well, just knowing and hearing that they’re going through it as well, you know, at the same time, and that they’ve had the same symptoms. And I guess not feeling like I was crazy. Because for so long. I felt like I was crazy. And like I was a hypochondriac. And I just kept making this stuff up because nothing was working, you know, SIBO protocols weren’t working. Thyroid medicine wasn’t working. Nothing was fixing this and just having the Yeah, I guess it really it’s just a leap of faith.

Dr. Heather Finley  28:06

What do you think helped you to overcome those fears? Because I think those are very real fears. And I’ve had those as well. And my own journey years ago is definitely trust, you know, felt like I had exhausted every option, or I’ve already done this, you know, how is this going to be different? Just like you said, so how did you overcome those fears? And in your opinion, what do you think was different about this experience?

Megan  28:32

So I think one of the biggest things that was different about this experience was that you have learning modules built into your program that really helps helped me to be able to understand why I needed to do this. So I understood the research behind it. And I understood

Megan  28:57

everything that we were doing to be able to set myself up for success later on. And to be able to empower me with the knowledge so that when I’m no longer in the program, I still have this knowledge and I can then better helped myself. And I also think that community atmosphere and having the other people who are there to share ideas with and just to reassure me, for me, the one to one was, was really key and having the check ins and having the ability to ask all of my crazy questions at any point, and, you know, getting fast, quick answers. And then even being able to push back a little more and getting, you know, more answers. So I think just the patience that your team has, with everybody and being able to really say it and listen to my journey. To me and understand the place that I’m coming from, and knowing that, you know, you went through it yourself, and you overcame it and you’ve overcome, you know, your, your issues and hearing your story, that that helped me a lot.

Dr. Heather Finley  30:16

I love that. And I love that you mentioned both the one on one and the community, I think. So in our VIP program, you get access to our community, our got together membership, but you also get access to one on one support, which is really key, especially if you’re wanting to do protocols, testing, etc. And so, and the thing that I want to say about that is, there’s no one size fits all when it comes to testing. I know I hear from a lot of people that have ordered their own tests, you know, their own stool tests, or their own SIBO test. And a test is only as good as the interpretation. And so it really doesn’t make sense to spend a bunch of money on tests that give you the information if you don’t know how to interpret it. And that’s where that customization and one on one comes in. But also the community. I know people can get really nervous about that. Like, I don’t want to be in a group where people are talking about their digestive issues. But tell us why it wasn’t really that like, We’re not sitting around talking about poop and bloating? I mean, in a sense, yes. But like, what was your experience in some of the community aspects?

Megan  31:32

I think one of the best things was just like hearing about the lives of the other women in the program and hearing the people who are traveling two and three weeks out of every month, who are busier than I am, and how they’re trying to like navigate this as well. And then I don’t know, at times, it is empowering to be able to talk to people about how your gut does not feel good. And like they truly understand what that means. You know, yeah, that that was really helpful. And just that having the ability to have, you know, to open phone calls. You know, three times a month was was wonderful. And then when you have questions, having you know, the once a month, the the open session a question and answer session, and just knowing that those times were there. And even if I couldn’t make them all the time, just knowing that if I had to pop on, or I wanted to pop on that I could. And having that consistency every week with a schedule of knowing when these calls were, and knowing that I could submit questions to these calls at any time. And even if I wasn’t able to make it onto a call, and I was able to submit a question that I could then go back and listen to the replays. And I could hear you know, the stories and the questions that other people submitted. Because I think sometimes too, is you don’t know what questions you have, or you don’t know what you don’t know and till you don’t know it. So hearing like the questions that other people had asked, really did help me to either find answers that I didn’t even realize I was looking for, or then spark another question for myself.

Dr. Heather Finley  33:21

Yeah, I love that. And I hear that all the time is I didn’t know I had that question until I heard somebody else. Ask it. So I appreciate that. You said that. Okay, so just kind of to wrap up. Two questions. Number one is what has been the most helpful part of get together if there’s like one thing that you think is like, this was a game changer? Or maybe it wasn’t just one thing? Maybe it was the combo? And then lastly, what would you say to someone right now who’s struggling, feels kind of hopeless, lost, and, you know, maybe lacking trust from past experiences.

Megan  33:58

I think for me, at the stage that I was at, when I came to get together, the game changer was the group thread message because I was on the one to one, just having the ability to just ask my question, in that kind of safe, secure environment and not feeling not feeling any remorse for asking any of the questions just being able to literally throw out questions and ask, you know, whatever it was whether I was dealing with gut issues that I didn’t understand why or you know, whether I was scared to try a food or not understanding something on a protocol and being able to have that personalized specialized. i That was definitely a game changer for me. And in terms of advice, or you know, to for somebody who’s kind of looking, I You really just have to take the plunge but you have to be mentally prepared to try new things and open to it. Because if you’re not, then you’re not going to heal anyway, it doesn’t matter what provider or practitioner you go to, it doesn’t matter what protocol you do. If you’re not open and ready to heal and wanting to heal. It’s not gonna work.

Dr. Heather Finley  35:20

Yeah, I really love that. And I totally agree, you can be with the best provider in the world. But if you are not willing to change things, even if it’s things that you think you’ve tried before, then you have to be willing to just really go all in. And it may be even tentatively, like you said, push back and be willing to be pushed back against and having someone to truly partner with you is really important. So yeah, Megan, thank you so much for joining me today. It’s so inspiring to just have watched the journey over the last year. I mean, I think about just those early conversations that we had. And, you know, the thing that stood out to me the most definitely was the food fear and the high liver enzymes. I remember just being a little nervous about that, to be honest, and just watching really your life kind of transform over the last year. So I guess we didn’t tell them the story about how you’ve been with us a year. The reason that Megan has been with us a year is because she actually won the podcast giveaway when I first launched this podcast last may actually like almost to the day that we’re recording this. I did a giveaway if you left a review and you rated the show for six months in our program. And Megan was lucky enough to win those six months, which was great to be able to continue working together. But it’s just been amazing to watch her journey and we’re grateful to have been a part of it. And truly the last question I have is because this is called the love your gut podcast. What is your favorite way to love your gut?

Megan  36:54

I think my favorite way to love my gut is being able to lay down in bed at the end of the night and give myself the I love the massage.

Megan  37:05

And just knowing that, you know food is medicine and that I’m healing and that my gut symptoms aren’t there anymore.

Dr. Heather Finley  37:18

I love it. Well, thanks so much for joining and I’ll see all of you listeners on the next episode of the love your podcast. Thank you

As always, please note that this episode or anything discussed on this podcast is not a substitution for medical advice and you should always consult your health practitioner before trying anything new.


Dr. Heather Finley 

Thanks so much for tuning in to today’s episode of the love your gut podcast. I have a new quiz that I’m so excited for you to take it is called which popular song describes your gut health issues. So if you’re ready to find out if you’re a slow down by Lenin seller or Don’t Stop Believing by journey in the world of gut health, it’s time to head over to Dr.Heatherfinley.co/quiz to take this new quiz and find out if your gut is rockin and rollin or more of a slow jam. And until next time, remember to love your gut so it will love you back

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Hi, I’m Dr. Heather

Registered dietitian and helps people struggling with bloating, constipation, and IBS find relief from their symptoms and feel excited about food again.

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Dr. Heather Finley