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Digestive Enzymes: What They Are and Why You Need Them

Are you aware of the crucial role digestive enzymes play in supporting your gut health and overall well-being?


Picture this: You’re sitting down to enjoy a delicious meal, and as you take that first bite, a magical process is set into motion. Your body starts breaking down the food you eat into smaller, more manageable pieces. But how does this happen? That’s where digestive enzymes come into play.


Digestive enzymes are like the superhero squad of your digestive system. They’re specialized proteins that our bodies produce to help break down the different components of food. Think of them as the culinary geniuses in your gut, whipping up a gourmet meal from the ingredients you consume.


Now, let’s meet the star players of this magnificent team:



  1. Amylase: This enzyme kicks off the party in your mouth. It’s responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into simple sugars. So, next time you’re munching on a piece of bread or a tasty potato, give a shout-out to amylase for its carbohydrate-crushing powers.
  2. Protease: Meet the protein pros! Protease enzymes step in to break down proteins into smaller building blocks called amino acids. They’re like culinary ninjas, chopping up those protein chains into bite-sized pieces that your body can easily absorb and utilize.
  3. Lipase: Time for the fat fighters to shine! Lipase enzymes come to the rescue, breaking down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. They ensure that those scrumptious avocados or a drizzle of olive oil get broken down into digestible bits, ready to fuel your body.
  4. Lactase, sucrase, and maltase: These sweet tooth helpers tackle the sugars. Lactase breaks down lactose (the sugar found in milk), sucrase takes care of sucrose (table sugar), and maltase deals with maltose (found in grains and malted beverages). They ensure that these sugars get broken down, preventing any potential tummy troubles.


Now, you might be wondering, “Why do we need these enzymes if our bodies produce them naturally?” Well, my friend, sometimes our bodies need a little extra support. Factors like age, certain health conditions, or lifestyle choices can affect enzyme production, leading to digestive discomfort and nutrient deficiencies.




Let’s say you’re in your prime years, but you’ve noticed that digestion isn’t as smooth as it used to be. Maybe you’re experiencing bloating, gas, or a general sense of heaviness after meals. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many of us face these challenges at some point in our lives.


Here’s where digestive enzyme supplements come to the rescue. They’re like the trusty sidekicks, lending a helping hand when your body needs that extra digestive firepower. These supplements provide a boost of specific enzymes to support the breakdown of different types of food, ensuring your gut gets the love it deserves.


These supplements come in different forms and combinations, targeting specific needs. Some focus on general digestive support, while others target specific food groups like gluten or lactose. It’s like having a personalized digestive superhero tailor-made for your needs.


Digestive enzymes can help reduce symptoms of: 

  • Gas after meals
  • Bloating after meals
  • Undigested food in stool
  • Intolerance to certain food components (ex: lactase helping with lactose intolerance)


Now, remember, not all digestive enzyme supplements are created equal. It’s crucial to choose high-quality brands that prioritize purity and effectiveness. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian can help you navigate the supplement aisle and find the right one for you.


But hey, let’s not forget that digestive enzymes aren’t the only solution to a happy gut. Lifestyle choices and habits play a significant role too. As I like to say – supplements are supplementary to everything else you’re doing to address your gut symptoms



  1. Slow down and savor: In our fast-paced world, we often rush through meals, barely giving our bodies a chance to catch up. Take a moment to slow down, savor each bite, and chew your food thoroughly to applesauce consistency. This helps kick-start the digestion process and allows the enzymes in your saliva to start breaking down carbohydrates.
  2. Mindful munching: It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of daily life and treat meals as a mere necessity. But by practicing mindful eating, you can transform your dining experience. Sit down, create a calm and inviting atmosphere, and truly engage your senses. Notice the colors, textures, and flavors of your food. By savoring each mouthful, you’re signaling your body to prepare for digestion.
  3. Enzyme-rich foods: Mother Nature has gifted us with an abundance of foods that naturally contain enzymes. Adding them to your diet can give your digestive system a little boost. Some foods naturally contain bromelain and papain, enzymes that help break down proteins:
    • Pineapple
    • Papaya
    • Mango
    • Kiwi

And let’s not forget the wonders of fermented foods. They’re not only packed with beneficial enzymes but also offer a healthy dose of gut-loving probiotics.

  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  • Kefir
  1. Stress less, digest more: We can’t ignore the impact of stress on our digestion. Chronic stress can throw our gut out of balance, affecting enzyme production and leading to digestive woes. Find activities that help you manage stress, whether it’s deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or simply doing something you love. By creating a relaxed state during meals, you allow your body to focus on digestion rather than fight-or-flight mode.

While digestive enzyme supplements can be a game-changer for many, it’s essential to remember that they shouldn’t replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Your gut thrives on a nourishing foundation of whole, unprocessed foods, plenty of fiber, and adequate hydration.


In conclusion, digestive enzymes are the unsung heroes that keep our digestive system running smoothly. They work tirelessly behind the scenes, breaking down our meals into easily absorbable nutrients. However, our bodies sometimes need a little extra support, and that’s where digestive enzyme supplements come in.


Note: always consult your healthcare provider before trying anything new. This blog is for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. 

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Hi, I’m Dr. Heather

Registered dietitian and helps people struggling with bloating, constipation, and IBS find relief from their symptoms and feel excited about food again.

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Dr. Heather Finley