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Ep. 33 Changing Your Body Wont Make You Happy but Changing Your Patterns Will with Katy Saltsman

Ep. 33: Changing Your Body Won’t Make You Happy, but Changing Your Patterns Will with Katy Saltsman

What are the changes you can make in your life to improve your health and happiness?   In this episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast, I talk to Katy Saltsman about finding our healthiest selves by changing our patterns, combatting diet messaging, and creating healthy goals around food.   Katy Saltsman Is a certified

Ep. 33: Changing Your Body Won’t Make You Happy, but Changing Your Patterns Will with Katy Saltsman Read More »

Ep. 31 Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO Carnivore Diet Keto or Low FODMAP

Ep. 31: Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO: Carnivore Diet, Keto, or Low FODMAP?

What is your approach to hydrogen sulfide SIBO?   In this episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast, I talk about the three types of SIBO, testing for Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO, symptoms to look out for, how Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO works, the changes you could make to improve your symptoms, various diets and their effects

Ep. 31: Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO: Carnivore Diet, Keto, or Low FODMAP? Read More »

Ep. 29 The Ileocecal Valve Vagus Nerve Your Nervous System and SIBO with Dr. Jacobi

Ep. 29: The Ileocecal Valve, Vagus Nerve, Your Nervous System and SIBO with Dr. Jacobi

What is the state of your microbiome?   In this episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast, I talk to Dr. Nirala Jacobi about the ileocecal valve, vagus nerve, your nervous system, and SIBO.   Dr. Nirala Jacobi is a naturopathic doctor (ND) and internationally recognized expert on small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). She is

Ep. 29: The Ileocecal Valve, Vagus Nerve, Your Nervous System and SIBO with Dr. Jacobi Read More »

Ep. 27 The Sneaky Business of Prebiotics What You Need to Know as a Consumer with Kara Landau

Ep. 27: The Sneaky Business of Prebiotics: What You Need to Know as a Consumer with Kara Landau

We’ve all heard about probiotics, but what have you heard about prebiotics?  In this episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast, I talk to Kara Landau about everything that you, as a consumer, need to know about prebiotics, why they’re a hot topic at the moment, whether or not you need to be taking a

Ep. 27: The Sneaky Business of Prebiotics: What You Need to Know as a Consumer with Kara Landau Read More »

Ep. 26 Why you cannot ignore stress as a root cause of your digestive symptoms

Ep. 26: Why you cannot ignore stress as a root cause of your digestive symptoms

When experiencing digestive symptoms, how often do you recognize that stress could be the root cause? In this episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast, I talk about stress, the different types of stress, stress’s effects on our bodies and digestive systems, and how to manage our stress before it becomes overwhelming.   Topics Covered

Ep. 26: Why you cannot ignore stress as a root cause of your digestive symptoms Read More »