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Food for thought

3 Mindset Shifts for your Gut Healing Journey

3 Mindset Shifts for your Gut Healing Journey

Canceling plans, missing out on memories, and thinking about food and my symptoms 90% of the time was my reality before I healed my gut.    Not to mention the mental space these thoughts took up. It made me feel like I didn’t have enough time or energy to do anything else in my life.  […]

3 Mindset Shifts for your Gut Healing Journey Read More »

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The difference between a food sensitivity, intolerance and allergy

There is a good chance you know someone who experienced an adverse reaction to food. It could’ve been severe hives after eating a peanut, or something more mild like a rash. You also probably know someone who did food sensitivity testing, whether it was through a practitioner or they ordered it on their own.  It’s

The difference between a food sensitivity, intolerance and allergy Read More »