
Why are you Bloated?

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Welcome to the Blog!

Your at-home guide to gut health



Browse the blog for tips and tools centered around our unique & holistic approach to gut health.

We address digestive function holistically. While you won’t find elimination diets or meal plans here, what we do share is a variety of tools that address the many influences of digestive issues.  

You don’t need to implement everything, simply choose a couple of things that feel right for you and your lifestyle, and apply them slowly. Because it’s the small shifts that can make such a huge difference. Snuggle up and get comfy, we’re sure you’ll love it here.

The Latest Blog Posts


How to prevent your digestive symptoms from coming back

Imagine addressing your digestive symptoms and not fearing that in 2 weeks they would come back..    Or planning that trip you have always wanted to take without fear of “what will my gut do”   If you have ever had your symptoms go away for a couple weeks only

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Quick Easy Gut Friendly Dinner 1

Quick + Easy Gut-Friendly Dinner

When you experience digestive problems, you might also feel brain fog, and like everything is just sitting in your stomach. Not to mention, when your body is working overtime to digest, you end up feeling flat-out exhausted.  When your body feels depleted, the last thing you need is a gut

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How to Prevent Your Digestive Symptoms From Coming Back

How to Prevent Your Digestive Symptoms From Coming Back

Imagine addressing your digestive symptoms and not fearing that in 2 weeks they would come back..  Or planning that trip you have always wanted to take without fear of “what will my gut do” If you have ever had your symptoms go away for a couple weeks only to find

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A Healing Mindset for Your Gut Health Journey

A Healing Mindset for Your Gut Health Journey

How often do you find yourself saying things like…   “I’ve tried everything” “My body must be broken” “I can’t eat that” “There’s no way this is going to work”   I get it because on my gut healing journey I said those things too…   Having digestive symptoms is

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Ep. 22 CVID Burnout and Your Gut with Erin Dunny RD 1

Ep. 22: C*VID, Burnout, and Your Gut with Erin Dunny, RD

Have you started noticing signs of burnout?   When it comes to health, it’s more than simply what you eat and nutrition.   In this episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast, I talk to Erin Dunny, RD, about the effects of the pandemic on burnout, susceptibility to illness because

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The Truth About Food Sensitivities

The Truth About Food Sensitivities

 Let me ask you a question: Have you ever done a food sensitivity test and found you reacted to all your favorite foods?    Nothing else feels like a stab in the heart than cutting out those feel-good foods, and to continue to feel sad each time you eat can

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Why Am I Bloated?

Are you curious to understand why you’re feeling bloated? Take our fun quiz to find out!