
Why are you Bloated?

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Your at-home guide to gut health



Browse the blog for tips and tools centered around our unique & holistic approach to gut health.

We address digestive function holistically. While you won’t find elimination diets or meal plans here, what we do share is a variety of tools that address the many influences of digestive issues.  

You don’t need to implement everything, simply choose a couple of things that feel right for you and your lifestyle, and apply them slowly. Because it’s the small shifts that can make such a huge difference. Snuggle up and get comfy, we’re sure you’ll love it here.

The Latest Blog Posts


Meal Prep Part 2

If you read PART 1 of the meal prep blog, you’d see that creating small but actionable  steps over time will facilitate a process where meal prep becomes a part of the natural routine. Some non-traditional elements that are a bit out-of-the-box can also make meal prep something to actually

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Meal Prep Part 1

There’s nothing worse than getting home from a long day of work and being asked “what’s for dinner”. The dreaded question after a long day can induce anxiety about food and test your sanity. I know for many of our clients, in the past they have felt like food was

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Navigating Gut Health During Stressful Times

If you are an adult reading this, then you likely have experienced stress at some point in your life. There is the stress that is all-consuming where you’re practically frozen in your tracks with overwhelm, or perhaps it is the ominous lingering kind that drifts in and out. Regardless of

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Gut Health On The Go: Managing Gut Health While Traveling

While traveling can be one of the most rewarding, fun, and exciting escapes from everyday reality, for those with chronic gut symptoms it can also ignite intense fear and anxiety. Particularly with covid growing more manageable, upcoming travel is on the agenda for many.    Some common concerns that flood

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Gut health on the go: Managing Gut Health at Work

Let’s face it, we do not live in a protective bubble. Our world is often designed around the workplace, whether it be a corporate office, healthcare setting, a construction site, school, or since covid, a makeshift office within the home. Success at work should not equate to gut setbacks, although

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Root Cause 5 Dysbiosis

Root Cause #5: Dysbiosis

Did you know that you have 2-5 pounds of bacteria in your gut? In fact, we actually have more bacteria in and on our bodies than we do human cells! When I first learned this my mind was completely blown.  In the last decade, we have learned how incredibly important

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Root Cause 5 Motility

Root Cause Series #4: Motility

Do you go to the bathroom but feel like it’s just rabbit pebbles? Or, do you go days without having a bowel movement only to then go and feel like there’s no way “that’s it?” You could be experiencing slow gut motility.  So many of our clients experience slow motility

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Root Cause 5 Stress

Root Cause Series #3: Stress

Recently I shared a free quiz on my Instagram to help individuals identify the top underlying cause that could be contributing to their symptoms.  Would you be surprised if I told you that 67% of individuals who have taken this quiz got chronic stress as their #1 result? To me,

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Root Cause 5 Digestive Insufficiencies

Root Cause Series #2: Digestive Insufficiencies

We are kicking off week #2 of the root cause series by talking about digestive insufficiencies. If you missed the first week talking all about low stomach acid, click here. So, what are digestive insufficiencies? Digestive insufficiencies can include:  Poor pancreatic output Poor stomach acid (which we already addressed in

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Why Am I Bloated?

Are you curious to understand why you’re feeling bloated? Take our fun quiz to find out!