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Author name: Heather Finley


Gut Health On The Go: Managing Gut Health While Traveling

While traveling can be one of the most rewarding, fun, and exciting escapes from everyday reality, for those with chronic gut symptoms it can also ignite intense fear and anxiety. Particularly with covid growing more manageable, upcoming travel is on the agenda for many.    Some common concerns that flood in from clients include the

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Root Cause 5 Digestive Insufficiencies

Root Cause Series #2: Digestive Insufficiencies

We are kicking off week #2 of the root cause series by talking about digestive insufficiencies. If you missed the first week talking all about low stomach acid, click here. So, what are digestive insufficiencies? Digestive insufficiencies can include:  Poor pancreatic output Poor stomach acid (which we already addressed in week 1) Poor liver detoxification

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My RD Journey

Last week, my team and I had a fun after-hours happy hour call (where everyone was drinking tea… #pregnancyproblems). We talked about our career journeys and how we ended up where we are now.  One of our amazing team members, Samantha, is a second-career RD and is applying to her dietetic internship in January. She

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